Smart Fintech offers AI consulting services, builds ad hoc algorithms and also works on third-party intergrations for the in-house SaaS, Bot The Moon (BTM). BTM provides users with a detailed and easy-to-use dashboard of their crypto portfolio.

It connects top-notch bots via API with multiple exchanges (Binance, Kucoin, Bybit, Bitget, OKD... more are coming soon).

Users will be able to manage there capital any time. Deposits, withdrawals and transfers performed in the exchange are totally controlled by the user. Smart Fintech has no access to the user's funds.

It is true that 95% of trading is automatic, but the volatility of the sector requires precautions to defend the portfolio and take actions at certain times. The main recommendation to considered is:

  • Have at least 30% of the capital invested in SPOT (USDT) to inject into the futures account at specific times. Users should consider a portfolio with which they are comfortable; a 30% of 3K is not the same as a 30% of 25K.

When is it advisable to inject liquidity into the bot?

  • When we observe a break of an important support or resistance level, indicating a possible change in BTC trend.
  • When we have a portfolio exposure greater than 80%-90%.
  • When we observe that most of our positions have no DCAs.

Active account management:

First, to become familiar with the methodology, it is recommended to make an active management of the portfolio:

  • Internal transfers in the exchange are operations that can be performed at any time on the exchange without commissions.
  • It is important to do it with the right amounts and always check the risk after the operation (Bot The Moon will not be held responsible for manual operations).

No! The user can unsubscribe from the service by sending an email to info@botthemoon.com and requesting to unsubscribe.

Our business model is transparent and simple, when the bot wins, we charge a quote on a monthly basis, in terms of the EBIT generated. If you have any doubts, please send an email to info@botthemoon.com or contact through telegram.

Regarding taxes, it mainly depends on the current location that the user is and local regulations. Bot The Moon provides consulting services and help present all the documentation to tax authorities. If you are interested about this topic, please contact us at info@botthemoon.com